Monday, November 1, 2010

Babies = Husbands

Yesterday was a fifth Sunday, and on fifth Sundays the brethren and sisters are combined for the third hour of church for a joint lesson. Yesterday's lesson topic? MARRIAGE!! And it was taught by the one and only Brother H. who exemplifies worthy husband material. So, of course I listened to what he had to say.

He started out with the relationship between baby and parent.

Feed me, play with me, tickle me.

Feed baby, play with baby, stimulate baby.

Brother H. then moved onto the husband/wife relationship:

Feed me, play with me, tickle me.

Feed husband, play with husband, stimulate husband.

Pretty funny, right? Right.

But then he got serious for the remainder of the lesson and gave us these four tips to help us prepare for marriage:

1. Be worthy.
2. Be someone others can get along with.
3. Look for someone who is the future father/mother of your children.
4. Care for others.

Oh, sounds so simple, doesn't it? Mmmhmmm.

P.S. I saw a vanity license plate today that said THPEECH


Fei said...

:) Just found your blog through The Singles Ward (blog).

Spouses are *definitely* like children. And it goes both ways, so ideally, we only get married when we are both emotionally and physically mature enough to be parents. But who's perfect? :)

Ashley said...

Fei! I've read some of your blog too, and I LOVE it! I'm glad you found mine.