Thursday, November 25, 2010

Time for Blessing Reflection

                     We took Christmas card pictures today. This is the one we're mailing out. Thankful for my fam!

I'm mortal, so I'm bad. And because I'm bad, I think about all the things I'm without. But, I appreciate this time of year because it forces me to stop and really reflect on the bajillion blessings I do have. A woman by the name of Regina Brett once said, "If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back." Sure, I have problems. But we all do. And I sure as heck don't want others'.

I love Heavenly Father for loving me. I'm definitely not worthy, whatsoever, for my ample load of blessings, but He still gives them to me. The least I can do is recognize them, thank Him for them, and try to improve little by little.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Jan said...

Beautiful family (great pic!) and lovely thoughts as always. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! xoxo

Elizabeth Downie said...

Such a cute family! Enjoyed this post. You're right - we do have much to be thankful for.