Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh, to be 16 Again

I'm subbing at my old high school again today, same Spanish classes.

I can't help but reflect on my own teenage years when I'm surrounded by all of these high schoolers. And as I reflect, I kinda get mad at myself. It's taken years since then to realize how lame it was for me to try to just blend in and not draw attention to myself. Now, I love noticing these kids' individual styles and quirks (and how they own them) and I regret not identifying my true self earlier on. Truth be told, I'm still discovering who I am, however, I still recognize that I cared too much about what others thought about me, and I didn't make the most out of those years. Anyway, props to these kids who embrace the world and themselves and just go for it. I wish I would have had that gusto.

In other news:

I'm taking the Praxis 2 (exams for teacher licensure) tomorrow. Pray for me.

I went to Stake Leadership Meeting last night (in case you don't know, I'm my singles ward RS president; yippee). We're taught in the scriptures that "Where much is given, much is required." A quote by Sister Kathleen Hughes, who was once in the general Relief Society presidency, was shared that puts a new twist on the aforementioned scripture: Remember, though, that where much is required, much is also given.

Isn't that just a nice ol' thought?

Happy weekend to you! Make it special. Oh, and feel free to find me a job; I'm still very much looking.


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

GOOD LUCK! I am taking my Praxis 1 this December.... I would be alot more nervous if it was my Praxis 2 though! haha :)

Ashley said...

Thanks, Alycia! Good luck to you, too!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I've been feeling like much is required of me lately, and it's nice to remember that much is also given. Thanks for that beautiful thought; it made me happier.