Monday, November 22, 2010

Tangible Music

I am grateful to be blessed with such a love for music. No, I don't play any instruments, but I appreciate (that doesn't seem a strong enough word) music like there's no tomorrow. There's nothing like coming across a song I've never heard and then just getting all giddy about it. And I understand that we don't all have the same tastes (although I can't understand how someone could not enjoy the songs I'm about to post), but that's what's so cool about music; there's such a variety and never-ending pool of future goodness. I wish good music was tangible, cuz then I'd squeeze and hug and kiss the tar out of it. Okay, I'm getting a little crazy, but that's what music does to me!! Enjoy the tunes...


Fei said...

Aaah! You too? :)

Gotta love Kurt Scheider. I'd been playing that Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie cover of "Just A Dream" over and over today. SOOO much better than the original.

Fei said...

I think I meant Schneider.