Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm So Done With Tests

Don't mind the many changing blog layouts. I experiment. And if you do mind, get over it. Go solve world hunger instead.

So I woke up at 5:30 am this morning. Yes, I'm aware that it's Saturday. I had to go pick up a friend at 7:15 and get to the university by 7:30 to check into one of the two Praxis 2 (teaching) tests we took today. This test was 110 questions long, multiple choice, and we had two hours to take it. I got done in an hour and 20 minutes. My friend wanted to sit in the back of the auditorium-style classroom. I'm glad she made that decision, because when we were done with the test we enjoyed many undisturbed minutes of pure people-watching entertainment. You see, we were not allowed to leave the classroom after we got done taking the test (because trust me, I would have). And cell phones are certainly not allowed as a diversion. So what's left to do? Watch people as they go cuckoo waiting for the two hours to end. Good times.

This one girl in particular provided the following entertainment: 1. the one leg up on the chair, knee bended position (like she's too cool for school), 2. rattling of keys (you could hear a pin drop in the classroom, so why would you rattle your keys and bug test-takers? Sheesh.), 3. lip gloss application (smack, smack), 4. pencil-drawing on her bent leg (are you 13?), and 5. doodling on the desk in front of her, eraser side down (again, are you five?). Oh, and I can't forget about her choice in clothing. A Victoria's Secret baseball cap, a Florida Gators sweatshirt, and short running shorts. Honey, it's 2 degrees outside; we're not in Florida.

And then we had to take another two-hour test a half-hour later consisting of four essays. There was quite the hang-up before the test began on whether to write the essays in pencil or pen. It seriously postponed the test like 10 minutes. Finally, the testing supervisor texted one of the test proctors with the reply: either one works. Phew. Didn't want to fail the test because I used the wrong writing utensil of all things.

I finally got home at like 1:45 this afternoon. I took a nap. It felt good.

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