Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another Random Post

While at the airport last night to pick up my younger sister I saw the vice principal of the school where I'm student teaching. She was flying to Disneyland. I just looked up Disneyland's Thanksgiving day temperature. Look like a comfortable and sunny 65 degrees. Today's temperature where I live? Twenty-three. You do the math. I miss summer.

I subbed first grade today. I read a book to the kids about pilgrim life in the early 1620s/first thanksgiving. When I was done reading, a girl (who I know is LDS), said, "I know why there are turkeys on the earth. So that we can eat them!" Someone sure goes to primary!

Who needs Bluetooth when they could use a 2001 mobile phone and rubberband? Check out this hilarious picture!

And my sister sent me this funny SNL skit of the Miley Cyrus Show:

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