Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Feel Like Poop

I don't know why I even bother applying mascara to my right eye. The black stuff just runs down my cheek when my eye starts leaking without any kind of notice. And then I look like a crying fool. I hate colds!

Heck, why bother even applying makeup ever? Especially when there's this: Wakeup with Makeup. I saw this company's sticker plastered on the back window of some old lady's SUV yesterday on the freeway. Basically, it's tattooing makeup on your face. Girls, would you do it? I mean, I guess it would save you minutes of time every morning for the rest of your life (that is if you even wear makeup). Guys, would you kiss the permanently-colored lips of a woman? I guess a plus would be that it doesn't get on your lips. Girls, would you spend $425 to have eyeliner tattooed? Guys, would you consider spending $400 for solid eyebrows to be tattooed on your grandma's hairless upper eyes for her birthday?

Hahahahahahaha. All of this sorta makes me laugh and feel less poopy.

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