Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Contact Me. Just Not on Facebook.

I deactivated my Facebook account. Again. I always return, though. So until that blessed/cursed day, you can keep up with me here.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, on to more important matters, like my temporal welfare. I need a job. Badly. I spent a good part of my day researching companies, emailing my resume, and networking with friends. I know the economy stinks, and that I have little work experience, and probably a misguided view of the workforce due to a million years of school up my belt, and live in the state with the highest unemployement rate, and that Harry Reid won the Nevada senate race, and that there are a lot of other things going against me, but the sun still rises every day, the world hasn't ended, there is still good in this world, and I can gosh-darn-it get a job. And so, my dedicated blog readers (yes, all three of you), if you hear of ANYTHING--really anything--please send it my merry way. I'm begging you. Call me. Text me. Comment me. Email me. Pony express me. Stork me. Tell me in person. Just don't Facebook me, because you won't find me there. I will love you forever if you do (okay, I'll love you forever if you don't, but if you do, I'll add an extra measure of love).

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