Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good Sunday

Last Sunday's post was also called Good Sunday. Maybe I'll make a habit of this and make each Sunday's post about the goodness that day was. Because, honestly, Sunday is the best day of the week; the day when I feel the Spirit the most, when I feel most loved and a sense of belonging and inclusiveness.

Today's goodness:

1. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in a sacrament meeting. Two recent converts shared their conversion stories and let me tell you--their speaking styles were a far cry from the usual mundane yawners. They were hil-ar-i-ous! And then the missionaries spoke, and that was all good and missionary-y.

2. The Relief Society lesson came from the Gospel Principles manual, and was on baptism. The teacher (my awesome visiting teaching companion) brought in her laptop and showed this touching video on charity, one of the things we promise to do when we're baptized.

3. We held a Relief Society board meeting after church today. One of my visiting teaching district supervisors was in the middle of eating a cookie (the RS teacher had brought cookies for all of the sisters after the lesson beforehand). Our meeting hadn't quite started yet, when cookie girl stood up and was about to exit the room to look for her fiancee. These are her words: "Where's my sweetcakes? I want to give him half of my cookie." Awww--now that's gonna be a good marriage. How cute is that?! I'm totally stealing sweetcakes for my future love. (Check out that sweetcake above; doesn't that look scrumptious?)

4. Had one of those "talks" with the parents. Yeah, those aren't the most fun, but I do appreciate their advice, and I needed to have this discussion. We talked about my future and blah blah blah. I have an intense love/hate relationship with adulthood.

I sure do hope your Sunday was good, too. And here's to a good week as well!


Elizabeth Downie said...

I like the idea of a weekly Good Sunday post! :) Enjoyed this one a lot. Sunday really is the best day of the week.

moniave252 said...

Haha Ash, you're fantastic. I'm a disciple of your blog. Here's to a good week!! Did your mom mentioned in her talk that I told her about you teaching in Thailand or China? I stand by my word hahaha .