Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Little of This, That

Did you hear about the woman who solved a Wheel of Fortune puzzle with only an apostrophe and a sole letter? So, so cool. Check out the full story here. That's the winner above. The link will also show you a picture of the very little she had to solve the phrase.

I observed a fifth grade teacher yesterday as a requirement for my student teaching experience. As I was walking down the hall, a special ed aide made intense eye contact with me. We exchanged greetings and then she asked, "How's your baby?" I responded, "He's adorable as usual!" JK. I wish I would have, though. I had to break it to her that I am babyless, to which she responded, "Oh, you look just like someone I know." Her face was priceless, though, when she figured out that I wasn't her.

My job search continues. And that's all I'll say about that.

Can anyone else not believe that it's November already? Time passes so dang fast.

I'm subbing Spanish right now at my old high school. Right now the kids are watching the 1987 film, La Bamba. The language is set to Spanish with English subtitles. They seem pretty engaged; gotta love watching movies in class. But they don't get off the hook that easy with a sub. They have to write 20 Spanish sentences in preterit (past) tense, describing scenes, events, and actions from the movie.

And that's about all for now. I'll blog again today if I can think of anything blog worthy. Or if I get bored.

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