Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Series of (Un)Fortunate Events

First of all, happy Halloween!

Second of all, I dressed up as a nerd for a tri-ward Halloween activity last night.

Third of all, I guess it wasn't much of a costume.

Fourth of all, I got hit on my two homeless men downtown today on my way to church. I could see them up ahead, so I locked my doors knowing that I'd be stopped at the red light right next to them. But I still had my window cracked. So, when I got to the light, one of the men said, "Hiiiii! Ooh, she's pretty."

I rolled up my window.

Same guy: "Ugh. She rolled up her window."

Me in my mind: "No duh."


"Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact, no matter how much you want to get a visual for a future police sketch."

Him: "Sorry, but you are beautiful."

Me in my mind: "There is sunshine in my soul today.... This light needs to freakin' turn green!"

Fifth of all, happy Halloween! Again!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Love the costume - -and the homeless guys were right on (you are beautiful!) -- but locking the door was the right answer! xoxo