Monday, October 11, 2010

Scratch Pisces

Ya think I could use a new pair of Nikes? Like it matters. I haven't worked out in over a week because I'm up to my eyeballs in work and stress. And even though I know that exercise helps alleviate stress, I still don't do it because the thought of one more thing to do just makes my fried brain fry even more. I really hope that when I finally settle into a career of sorts that I choose something that doesn't stress me out and/or consume my life. Work's important, I understand. It engenders other redeeming qualities, but I'm a firm believer in balance.

I should have been a libra.

But if you wanna buy me a new pair of running shoes, I promise I'll use them soon. Size 9.5. Just do it. (Get it? It's Nike's slogan.) I crack myself up sometimes.

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