Friday, October 1, 2010

Mart of the Wal

I went to Walmart this evening to pick up a couple of things. A lot of people hate the place. I don't, because...

...I get greeted by friendly, old people.
...I got photos printed in three minutes. THREE! Technology still amazes me.
...People-watching is at its finest. I think every third person I saw was tattooed and/or pierced all over their body.
...Self checkout is usually quick and fun (I get to play checker!).
...McDonalds, hair/nail solon, pharmacy, picture studio, fun area, eye center all inside the building.
...I was extended a cheerful goodbye by one of those old greeters.

I mean, what's not to love about Wally World?

Oh, because...

...There's nowhere to park.
...They don't stock their shelves.
...The checkout lines are a mile long.
...There's no one ever around to ask a question to.

It's love/hate I guess.

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