Thursday, September 30, 2010

What'd You Say About My Mom?

There was the most hilarious elder in my MTC district named Elder Steele. One day we learned that you can shorten phrases to basically nothing in the Spanish language. For example: "He gives me the pencil" can be changed to "el me lo da" and the meaning is the same.

So this elder and I joked around saying that if it could get any shorter, there wouldn't be anything left at all to say, just pure silence, and yet the message will still be conveyed. So we just stared at each other, as if talking and understanding what they other was "saying", and then he said out loud, "What'd you say about my mom?" Hahahahahaha.

I don't know; maybe you had to be there, but I'm laughing out loud just typing this.

Anyway, I saw a video of this elder (from his mission) posted the other day on Facebook. I'm pretty sure he came up with this all by his creative self.

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