Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time to Walk the Talk

In a couple of months, everything will be up in the air for me. I'll seriously have the world at my grasp, and I have no idea what to do. By December I will basically have two degrees, can guarantee that I'll be single, and can viably go anywhere I want and do whatever I want. This is all very liberating yet terrifying at the same time. Whatever happens, I KNOW that I'm ready for a change of pace and scenery. I want to meet new people, see new places, experience different things. I talk, and have talked for awhile. It is now time to do the walking. Questions are: Where do I walk to? Who do I walk with? How fast do I walk?


Elizabeth Downie said...

Any ideas where you want to go? :)

Ashley said...

Totally Utah for several reasons. :)

moniave252 said...

Go to Beijing to teach english, and ill give you good reasons:
1- that's what people do when they are qualified and don't know what to do.
2- you'll be exposed to the next world power and the next language of the internet
3- you'll be surrounded by intelligent and well-educated people wherever you go
4- your job will be appreciated
5- who wouldn't wanna see the Great Wall when you have a weekend off?
6-you'll be changed forever
So... I could come up with some more :) so exciting your life is soon to be a complete adventure!!