Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Write Something About Yourself

You know that "write something about yourself" box underneath your picture on Facebook? It's such a little mystery to me. Some people actually use it as a short bio. Some enter clever little quotes. Some people make jokes out of it, like since it says "write something about yourself," someone might put "something about yourself" because it's--well--telling you to write something about yourself. And then some people just leave it alone. I change mine occasionally, most always with a little saying or quote. I never actually write something about myself.

What do you think this little box tells about someone's personality? What do you have in yours?

Mine currently says:
Rule number one is, don't sweat the small stuff. Rule number two is, it's all small stuff. ~Robert Eliot

I'm really trying hard right now not to stress so much over work. It's just dang hard not to when it consumes my life. But I'm hoping this little reminder in my box helps me.

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