Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sick Post

And I don't mean that this post is gonna be sick, as in cool. I mean that I'm feeling under the weather, and that I have some thoughts that I wanna get down.

First of all, I'm ill. I felt a cold coming on Sunday night, and sure enough, it was in full swing by last night. It took me a whole three hours to fall asleep. While laying there I had the thought, "I should miss work tomorrow. I have a cold and the whole sleep thing isn't happening, so it's probably in my best interest to stay home SLASH 4-day weekend, baby!" [ignore that little sneaky thought].

Of course, though, I still woke up at 6:30 because I had to call everyone and their mailman notifying that I wouldn't be coming in today. That was fun. But other than that, I've been computering, sleeping, and reading (gasp!). Yeah, not a reader. Not the least bit. I'd rather actually do something than sit on my keister looking at black ink on white pages. But, today, I went against my better self, and read a little Sheri Dew. She said some things that I needed.

First, she mentioned Doctrine and Covenants 78: 17-18:
17 Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are as little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you;

18 And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eeternity are yours.
And then she quoted the brilliant and spiritual-beyond-compare Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:
"We fear that God in his heaven, with all of his urgent national and international, galactic and intergalactic business, is certain to be occupied with things other than your hopes and happiness. I do not know exactly how he does it, but...my testimony...is that nothing in this universe is more important to him than your hopes and happienss.... When we pass through the veil, it will be thrilling to learn how God watches over us and cares for us, how he knows our every thought. For now it is enough to know simply that he does it."
Aren't those prophetic words uplifiting and a half?!
Oh, and not to brag, but Elder L. Tom Perry is presiding at my stake conference next month.

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