Saturday, September 18, 2010

Blurred Vision

I definitely have a romantic side to me. Could be hard to believe, I know. It's hard for me to believe, too. It's hard to express the Xs and Os when there's no one to express them with. At 25 years old, I've reached the point where the "typical" young-Mormon-girl-gets-married period of time has passed by. Hey, I'm not saying I'm not young, because I am young, and I feel young, but in the Mormon culture, I'm a little too ripe. And I used to be really hopeful, always thinking that my time was just around the corner. Now, I've kind of ignored that hope, unintentionally. I think I've become complacent to the prospect of love, and I think this hinders my progress to some degree. I no longer blame my circumstances. I just recognize that it's not my time. But, alternatively, I don't want to become blind to what the future holds, and I'm afraid that my vision is getting blurred. But then I watch lovey-dovey videos like these, and it's like squeezing a few extra drops of Visine in my eyes.

Danny & Annie from StoryCorps on Vimeo.

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