Sunday, September 12, 2010

Relationships: Of the Boy-Girl Variety

Anyone out there an expert on 'em? I'm trying to learn. Okay, let's have an honest conversation about this.

Some relationships work. Some don't. Why?

How do you take two very different people (cuz let's face it, no matter how many similarities two people can have, they're still very different) and create a successful, happy partnership?

Half of marriages end in divorce. That stat holds true in the LDS church as well. What are the people in the failed marriages doing wrong? What are the people in the successful marriages doing right?


How do you take two hearts and make them one?


Trey said...

Marry your best friend you want to be around after 4 season and a road trip. Not someone you just want to have sex with.

PensivePearl said...

I think the key is forgiveness. When you meet someone you really like, it's easy to make compromises and put up with their nuances; however, it's much harder to forgive them the first time they hurt you. They will hurt you at some point, and you will hurt them, and when it happens, it feels like your world is crumbling.

It seems there is an art to forgiving, apologizing and letting go.

Looking at all my family members, I've witnessed 16 good marriages (no divorces, couples seem happy) and 1 divorce. That's like a 4% divorce rate and I've always wondered what does my family know?!

What I noticed is... 1. they forgive each other easily and without holding grudges and
2. they actively do things together frequently (no, "we have separate lives but are together" mentality)

In the divorced family, I saw that one person held a lot of grudges against another, and that person just got tired of trying to apologize, so they both let go.

That's just my 2 cents.

Elizabeth Downie said...

I like what the other commenters have said so far. This is something I think a lot about and worry about. I wish I had the answers.