Sunday, October 10, 2010

Boredom and Bed Bugs

HAPPY 10-10-10!

Remember a couple of posts back when I complained about the weekend coming up? Can I take that back? Even though I was indeed busy grading a billion papers, I did get the chance to relax and spend time with family. But now it's over. Lamesauce. But on the bright side, I only have three more weeks left of work before I get a month off! Holla!!

Here's a tip: I don't know if you've heard, but apparently there's a bed bug problem in our country. It's occurring because most of our clothing is made outside of the USofA, and gets contaminated with the little critters, and then is shipped here. So, throw your new clothes in the dryer for a number of minutes to kill the bugs and their eggs. Just a little caution I'd like to throw out there for my inquisitive blog readers. Because I care.

I really need to find something worth blogging about besides my boring internship and bed bugs.

{I would have included a bed bug picture up there at the top of the post, but when I googled it, I refrained. You can thank me later.}

1 comment:

Elizabeth Downie said...

I'm currently terrified of bed bugs and honestly think about them a lot more than I should.

Oh great, now I feel like they're crawling all over me!! haha