Monday, October 4, 2010

Growing Pains, etc.

I have nothing really important to share, but maybe I have some half-important items. I'll let you be the judge.

1. Wet stuff has come down from the clouds above the last couple of days and it's supposed to last throughout the week. Fun weather oddity for my neck of the woods.

2. It's my nephew's fourth birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, T! This boy is hilarious, too smart (he's learning Spanish in preschool! He knows that "yellow" is "amarillo." How many four-year-olds do you know that speak Spanish colors?), he's completely independent, and he loves Batman at the moment. I love this boy.

3. My thighs are experience a dull ache, like growing pains. What the heck? Doesn't that happen during adolescence?

4. The janitor where I work got hammered this weekend. He said it was a lot of fun, but that the hangovers are really bad. (No joke, Gustavo*!)

5. I woke up at 5:45 this morning. Make this internship stop, please.

6. Am I boring you yet?

7. No? Good. Yes? Too bad.

8. Elder L. Tom Perry's coming to my stake conference in two Sundays!

9. This is number nine.

10. These growing pains hurt.

11. I love you for reading this!

I loved this show. Especially when the handsome Leonardo DiCaprio was on it for a season or so.

*Gustavo is an alias.


Jan said...

I do love your updates! xoxo

Elizabeth Downie said...

Growing Pains was the best! But I'm sorry about your real ones!

Good luck with the internship!!