Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today's a Good Day for Some Random Thoughts

Random thoughts on a Thursday:

1. They really make it hard to take off Play-doh lids. My right index fingernail has sure gone through a beating the last couple of days.
2. There's a perfectly good reason why I've been opening Play-doh. Seriously.
3. I'm kinda getting tired of Facebook. I love it and all, but it's getting old. Do you think someone will think of something new? MySpace phased out and Facebook became the rage. Will the same thing happen to Facebook?
4. Speaking of Facebook, I really want to see the new movie, The Social Network.
5. I'm lovin' this warm fall weather. The high was 78 degrees. It's October 14.
6. I get to see Elder L. Tom Perry in the flesh this weekend!
7. I want a makeover next month. I plan on cutting my hair. And I kinda want to get my ears re-pierced. (I got them pierced when I was 9, but the holes eventually closed up and I haven't worn earrings for probably 15 years). I want new, hip clothing. I think I'm going through a quarter-life crisis!
8. My little sister has made it to the second round of high school tennis regionals. She plays tomorrow. Hope she advances!

The end.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Love the makeover idea 'cause I want one too. (I need one - you probably don't but it would still be fun!)