Monday, December 27, 2010

From Point A to Point B

This time of year is always self-reflective, isn't it? As I approach 2011, I'm doing a lot of thinking about a lot of stuff. I feel like I've been on the brink of transition for a long time, but that the actual execution is being delayed further and further. Or maybe the change IS happening, and it's just so gradual that I can't see it as it happens. I don't know.

I'm so psyched to see what the future holds, but I kind of feel that that is a cop-out phrase (what the future holds) cuz I really have a great deal to do with my future. This is a daunting responsibility, and I feel inadequate/complacent to move forward, even though it's so attractive to me. Why is it that we shy away from the unknown? Like seriously, I just gotta grab life by its stinkin' horns, scream at the top of my lungs on the wild ride of life, and LIVE!

Here's to getting to point B or C or D or M or Z.

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