Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Broken CD Player, Broken Grandpa, Broken Bella?

The CD player in my car has been broken for at least a couple of months I'd say. I had a CD stuck in there, and finally got it out the other day by sticking another CD in there underneath the original, thereby sliding the original one out. But now when I want to play a CD, the player doesn't "grab" the CD like it's supposed to. Does anyone know how I can fix this besides forking over the moolah to the dealership? If it helps, the car is a 2006 Honda Civic Coupe.

My poor grandpa hurt himself the other day. He was home when the phone rang. He was "running" (which means hobbling) over to answer it when he slipped and hit his forehead on the corner of the coffee table, splitting it open, and banged up his shoulder pretty bad. He managed to put a towel over his head, and drive to the ER. Fourteen stitches later, he's home recuperating. Poor guy. :(

I'm finally gonna watch Eclipse tonight. It'll be the first time since it came out early this summer. I'm excited!

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