Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Beard Blowup

I thought not shaving was reserved for males during the month of November (no-shave November), but I've been noticing guys carrying this on into December. Have you been seeing more facial hair this month than usual?

You know Ke$ha's song, Tik Tok? The one song that she says, "I like your beard" at the end? Well, it's sorta a running joke between Isaac and me, and so he found this shirt and bought it for me! What a champ and a half, right?! Right.

And in case you really haven't heard the song, here it is in all its pop, danceable glory (except this video version doesn't include the random beard reference. Shame).

1 comment:

Elizabeth Downie said...

Living in Michigan, I see tons of beards all winter! I love them!!