Thursday, March 31, 2011


Lots of random thoughts on my mind!

+ Today was payday. Yippie yi yay!
+ While sitting on the rug with a student of mine today, she said, "Miss Ashley--I wanna cuddle with you," and she proceeded to link her arm with mine, and lean her head on my arm. Reminds me of something I did a few weekends ago. Love cuddling!
+ One of my other three-year-old female students told me, "My mom told me that I'm too young for a boyfriend." Yes, child, wait at least another 30 years before even thinking about dating. Just kidding, only 25.
+ While on my evening run tonight, the sunset sky was a most stunning pink, causing a beautiful tropical-looking hue on the temple's white granite. Heavenly!
+ I wanna drive my mom's new Volvo. She's had it for like a month at least, and I still haven't driven it. In fact, I've only been a passenger once. I guess she's got some power!
+ My sisters rented Tangled today. I haven't watched it yet, and I'm excited to hopefully watch it tomorrow night!
+ I applied to a dozen plus three jobs today. The hunt is on.
+ I'm looking forward to general conference this weekend!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Downie said...

You are doing awesome with the job search!!

I LOVE Tangled. I thought it was really sweet. I hope you like it.

That sunset sounds so pretty. :)