Friday, March 18, 2011

Prayer is Key

God hears and answers prayers! It's true! And you're about the read the most cliche prayer story, but it's original to me, so yeah!

Today I lost something that was very important and necessary to accomplish a particular task. This item actually belongs to someone else, which made it that much more frightening to realize that it was lost. I realized it was lost during my mid-afternoon lunch break, and it weighed on my mind for the remainder of my work day. Hoping that maybe it was found while I was gone, I returned home to ask. My hopes were soon dashed as I learned that it had not been found.

I was really stressed out. My younger sister then had an idea of where it might be. She checked, and to our surprise and sweet relief, it was where she looked! It was a fabulous way to end a long, busy week.

Bottom line: prayer works. Wait--the real bottom line: don't lose things.

Happy Friday!

[Oh, I'll just tell you what the missing thing was. It was a house key. Kind of ironic, because prayer is the key to unlocking trials. Sit on that one, why don't ya? Just don't sit on the key. Thanks.]

And welcome to my blog, Emmy Johnson! Thanks for following!

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