Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh, Rebecca Black

I posted a viral video on my Facebook wall, and it's created quite a commotion:

I guess that's not too good of a picture, because there are like 11 more comments that you can't see. Now, what's all the hype? Let me show you. Well, let me show you again. Because if you haven't seen it already, I'm sorry to tell you that you're kinda living under a rock. But then again, rocks aren't too bad when you consider the cheese that is this song.

Yeah, the lyrics are kinda mortifying. I wasn't sure if this was real or a joke. Like, who would really sing those words? Well, Rebecca would, and she's probably bankin', so I can't hate. And don't hate on me, because I have a slight confession: I actually sorta like the song. It's catchy, it's fun, and it's clean! Sure, the lyrics can go, but they're kinda what adds to its quirkiness.

And I'm excited to share some more funnies with you tomorrow. So come back, ya hear?!

And welcome to Ashley's Blog, Ariel! :)

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