Friday, May 27, 2011

Veggie Girl?

I'm thinking about going vegetarian. Know of any good books/programs/recipes?

P.S. I'm not going vegetarian for the reason that the image portrays, but to be healthier and lose weight. Just FYI.


Anonymous said...

be careful because a lot of people gain weight when they go vegetarian/are technically less healthy because they load up on tons of carbs and junk food that's technically vegetarian because they don't get nearly enough protein as they need in their diet as well as not getting other key nutrients that people mostly get from meat(b vitamins, iron, omega 3's and MANY other things)and so they can have deficiencies that can cause some serious health problems.You actually have to be really careful and conscientious to be a healthy vegetarian and so it usually isn't recommended by unbiased experts unless you can eat meat because of allergy or some other health problems that are pretty rare. However, most experts WOULD recommend decreasing the amount of meat that you eat, especially red meat while increasing the amount of vegetables, fruit, fish, and complex carbohydrates that you eat. So really it is significantly easier to maintain a healthy and nutritionally complete diet and lifestyle without being a vegetarian. Another consideration is how that lifestyle would effect future children during pregnancy and childhood. Bottom line: I would go talk to a trusted doctor or dietician and most importantly pray and consult the scriptures about the matter :)
~Rachel Rasmusson

Ashley said...

Rach! I loved getting your comment. Thanks! Yeah, I'll have to look into all the aspects of the diet. Miss you!

Fei said...

If you're doing it for health reasons, I recommend making sure you eat plenty of fish, at least. It's really hard to maintain a balance cutting out meat completely. has the best vegetarian recipes ever. And, oh, quinoa is your friend. We love it.

Ashley said...

Fei! First of all, that pic of you is GORGEOUS! Thanks for your comment! I'll look into that cookbook.