Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kind Utahans

My Ben is sick. Sad. I had to drive to and from work all by myself yesterday (he felt well enough today to go to work), so that was kind of lame. Just kidding. I'm not that big of a baby. But yeah, still love his company. Obviously. He is my boyfriend.

But yesterday, the freeway traffic was worse than usual on my way home. All I wanted to do was get home to Ben. But first I had to get gas. I went to my trusty gas station, but none of the pumps were working. At first I thought it was just mine, but a nice guy eliminated my worry when he said, "Is yours not working, too?" Apparently, none were working. He went in to ask, and our issue was confirmed: they weren't working. He cautioned me to make sure I had canceled any transaction that I may have begun with my credit card (which I had already done anyway, but it was still really nice). That was nice gesture number one.

But I was still frustrated. I had to go to another gas station. Yeah, it was only across the street, but it was rush hour, and traffic was kind of insane. I got my gas, but then needed to turn left onto a busy street. Again, another nice gentleman stopped his truck with plenty of room for me to get into the left turn lane so I could get home to Ben. That was nice gesture number two.

Utahans are nice people. I know that's a huge generalization. But I've been nothing but pleased with my interactions with others here.


Elizabeth Downie said...

This reminds me of a time I was trying to turn left on a busy street and someone coming from the other direction slowed down to make a space for me to turn. I looked up and saw it was my dad!! And he didn't even know it was me he was helping! He was just being a nice driver. It was a nice surprise. :)

Enrique and Lindsay said...

Aww, how nice. I won't tell you about the girl that cut me off and then gave me the finger... oh wait. haha. It is a generalization but I like to think you've pretty much nailed it :) I mean, what else can I say? I'm a Utahn. haha