Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Latest

Sorry this blog has become less creative and less frequent. And this one is gonna be pretty boring, too, I think, just because it'll consist of a simple list of what I've been up to lately. Oh, well. It's important to me. This is my form of a journal right now.

  • It's been raining A LOT here the last few days. Think it may be clearing up soon, though. At least I hope so. I wanna see that glowing orb thing again called the sun!
  • Heavenly Father provided a sweet and tender mercy two days ago. Ben and I were returning home from an outdoor run, when we walked by the house of a family in his ward. He was saying, "Here is the Jones' (not their real name cuz I can't remember their real name) house..." when a woman approaching her car in their driveway (I assumed it was the mother, she was kind of far away; long driveway), called out "Ashley??" As I got closer, I noticed it was a girl who had moved to my hometown last summer for a few months to do a rotation for pharmacy school. I couldn't believe it! Why is she at this house? What's going on? I could only think these questions for like two seconds because she then explained to me that this was her sister's house. Crazy, right? She's actually living about 15 minutes away, and obviously visits her sister and her family at times during the week. I just think it was neat how we were both in the same place at the same time to see each other. It was really special. Hopefully we'll bump into each other again soon.
  • Yesterday, the employees at my work were treated to a recognition lunch for a job well done lately at a nearby steak house. That was nice.
  • Ben and I hiked to a huge letter "V" in the hills near our houses. It was quite a climb; very steep in places, but the view and achievement were great! It's been raining, and so you can imagine it was kind of muddy, and it started to lightly rain on the way home, too, but we're glad we did it.
  • And upcoming: temple tomorrow night, Lagoon on Saturday (if the weather's better), and a double date with my BFF and her husband Saturday night.
Thanks for bearing though that! Hope your week is going really well.

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