Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Hope the Next Blog Post Will Be About Me Being Better

My throat is feeling better. I'd put it at 65 percent. Can't wait for it to jump 35 percentage points.

I didn't go to work today, but will most likely go tomorrow. My only issues are the sore throat and body fatigue. It's the oddest feeling to walk. I just haven't been using my muscles as much these last few days.

Ben did go to work today, but still isn't 100 percent either. He's coming home soon, but will first stop by the store to pick up a few things, including some medicine to help take the sore throat pain away. Advil's done an okay job, but I'm looking for something to almost completely mask the pain until it goes away altogether.

Ben and I watched a couple of movies over the weekend. Have you seen either of these? Bruce Almighty and Ghost? BA was hilarious (Jim Carey; need I say more?) and G was a romantic drama that kept surprising me with twists and turns in the plot.

And I came across this today; so funny!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Thanks! Getting better everyday. :)