Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rolling the Ball

 This pic was taken last week at Lagoon. That marble ball fountain thing seemed like a fun photo op!

Happy Sunday! Let's get the ball rollin' (Get it? Look at the pic above. The pun was Ben's idea), so let's goooo!

  • Ben and I had a wonderful time at the Bountiful Temple Friday night. There were NINE people going through for the first time, so between those nine, all of their family and friends, and other patrons, it was a large session!
  • Ben's teaching me Video Games 101. We played a couple of really beginner games yesterday with two of his brothers. They were probably bored out of their minds, but it was new territory for me.
  • Ben and I went to Lagoon yesterday. We visited Pioneer Village (old-town set up with a Main Street and such), and rode on a few roller coasters. After one of those roller coasters, my right eye started to feel irritated, but I couldn't feel anything inside of it. As we were waiting in line for another roller coaster, it really started to burn and hurt. I said a little prayer to myself, and Ben said one vocally, too. I had also been closing it for a couple of minutes to "cry" it out. After the prayers it felt better. No joke. So, so grateful for prayer and to Heavenly Father for blessing me with health. We were then able to enjoy a few more roller coasters. Ben has gotten into the habit of taking a picture of me before each ride so we have documentation of all the rides I've been on.
  • I don't remember if I've already mentioned this, but Ben and I finished the first season of Heroes (first time for me; he's already seen it), and now we're watching Cheers, that sitcom from the 80s. Of course, I knew about the show, but I had never seen it. I'm loving it; so funny!
  • Read this inspiring story about a very honest man living in my same town!
  • This Conan video cracks me up each time I watch it!

  • My coworker showed me these terrible (one's a joke, the other isn't I don't think) websites:
1. Terrible website #1.
2. Terrible website #2.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Downie said...

That Conan link is hilarious! Thanks for sharing! I laughed out loud, for real. :)