Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Love Bug

Wow! Three days in a row with blog posts! I must be settling in.

Ben's with me here, and we're gonna write this one together.

We're both sick. Ben's illness is a LOT more severe. So far (and hope it stays "so far"), I only have a slight sore throat and sore right gland. We're taking good care of each other by drinking plenty of fluids, staying warm, getting lots of rest, and using neti pots (Ben only).

If I were you, I'd buy stock in Kleenex (Ben's almost emptied another box). Poor, poor guy.

But we've been having lots of laughs. Nothing like the best medicine to cure what ails you.


Suz said...

Glad you are enjoying each others company! At least it makes it not so miserable when you can have someone to commiserate with. So, when you mentioned the neti pots it reminded me of a funny story. The summer after my first year of pharm school, I had a lady come in and ask for those. I had never heard of them and to top it off, she had a slight accent, so it made understanding what she wanted even more difficult. She kept saying "neti pots" really fast, and I was so lost. I'm sure she noticed the blank look on my face because she then started describing to me how they work. Something along the lines of "there's this little pot, and you mix the stuff in and then pour it in your nose" (with demonstration, mind you). At this point I was beginning to think she was truly crazy! We were very busy that day, but one of the techs finally looked like they had a moment, so I went and asked, feeling like she was going to look at me like I was crazy also, but she just took me in the back and showed me where they were. I kind of stared at it for a moment, I think still in disbelief that something like that really existed. Later on that day when we had slowed down, we were talking about it, and the other staff were surprised that I'd never heard of such a thing.

Ashley said...

Ha, ha, Suzanne! Yeah, they are quite the interesting medical instruments, aren't they?