Monday, April 4, 2011

Tale of a Jogger

Yeah, I looked something like this. Rawr. Nope.

I was jogging down one of my main neighborhood roads this evening and approached a thug walking in the same direction. He was wearing big, baggy jeans and an over sized black hoodie. His swagger totally complemented our suburban, middle-class 'hood....not.

And, at the very second I ran past the guy, a couple of hooligans in a white mommy Subaru drove by yelling, "WOOOOOOOH!!!" like they were on some Disneyland ride. The guy in the passenger seat stuck his head out the window like some happy dog. Now, as much as I want to believe they were hollering at Mr. Swag, it was probably me, only because I'm a female, and not because I'm a looker. After all, I was wearing black athletic capris and a blue 1999 Youth Conference t-shirt. Yeah, I'm a total babe. Psh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heck yes you're a babe! I'll bet you look pretty good in athletic capris, and they couldn't contain their attraction. ;)
You are awesome.
P.S. Don't get mugged.