Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Family and Cars Not Starting 2011 Off Well

Not my sister's car, but you can get an idea of what it looked like (snow and all) from this pic.

In matter of one day, our family's car supply has been cut in half.

Yesterday, one of our garage doors broke, with my mom's car still inside. She and I normally park our cars inside this garage, but I was gone, thank goodness (so we still have access to my car). But her Impala is trapped until we get the door fixed (which should hopefully be Monday, fingers crossed).

And then this afternoon, my sisters were in a car accident due to the ice, and her Civic's hood was totaled and towed to the dealership.

In the meantime, it should be interesting getting us five around in two cars when we all have a million places to be it seems.

Twenty-eleven really is gonna rock though, in case I made it sound like it wasn't.

1 comment:

Amy Baron said...

What a way to start the year! I hope that your sister is okay. Looking at the photo, I have an idea what her car looks like after the incident. Although some people love the snow, cars don’t share the same opinion. It can wreak havoc on your vehicle, either by engine frost or a car accident caused by the slippery road. Well, I hope that your 2013 started with a good one! Drive safely!