Monday, January 3, 2011

Create Happiness

A silly commercial aired on internet radio this evening as I was working out. It went something like this:

It's time to ponder our existence. What is the purpose of life? To play radio games of course! blah blah blah...

Now I know that the real purpose of life is all of this perfect goodness.

But I've been thinking for awhile now what my individual purpose is beyond the pat answers of receiving a physical body, learning, and becoming more God-like. My situation is a little unique in that most Mormon girls my age are married, may have a growing family, and are learning how to make a home. But Ashley is not doing any of those things. I have two degrees, still live at home, and I'm working as a substitute teacher while looking for full-time employment. There are so many things I want to dabble into, but funds and circumstances are tight. I've been feeling "trapped" by these circumstances for quite some time now, and I'm fully ready and seeking major change. I'm ready to create my happiness! (Cue cool create video)!

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