Sunday, January 9, 2011

Good Sunday

So far, and overall, today has been exactly what the title of this post says. Church started at 9 am (love it compared to 2010's 1 pm meetings), talks were great, I participated in the instant choir (anyone who wants to sing a specific hymn goes up and sings it in front of the ones who didn't want to sing praises unto the Lord...jk jk jk), had three additional meetings besides the regular three of sacrament meeting, Sunday school, and relief society, had good sunday school and relief society meetings, and get to attend the CES fireside later this evening. Sundays are almost always pretty darn busy for me.

As I stated in a previous post, I'm going to register for a 5K that I'll run in April. It'll be my first race. My friend Monica is going to train and run it with me. We're excited! We're not only excited for the race, but for the chance we have to get healthier by eating better and exercising. She is now transforming her personal blog into a health blog; check it out!

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Downie said...

Sunday is a great day, huh? And the broadcast last night was excellent! :)