Saturday, October 15, 2011

Not Much

I realize that I haven't been as frequent with my blog posts lately, and I think that's mostly due to the fact that there isn't much note-worthy stuff going on. Just the usual grind: go to work, spend the evenings with Ben, and then do it all over again.

As I think I've mentioned, Ben is taking online classes through Utah Valley University, and he's doing a remarkable job at getting all his school work done while staying busy working and making me happy.

As with me, just doing my small part to help my family as they do a lot of wedding planning in Reno. It's been kinda difficult planning a wedding when we live in two different states. We've hit some bumps, but all in all, it's gone pretty smoothly.

Ben and I are pretty busy today doing various things, so I best get off the computer and get to work!

1 comment:

Enrique and Lindsay said...

Try planning your wedding from another country. I was living in Mexico and trying to plan my Utah wedding... so I feel your pain.