Tuesday, July 12, 2011

primary teacher

i accepted a calling (job) at church. i will be teaching the 5-6 year olds in primary! it should be a lot of fun. i'll have a team teacher to work with. not sure how it'll work yet, but we'll probably alternate teaching each sunday, but still both be in the classroom/primary room together.

my primary president* is coming over tomorrow evening to give me my teaching manual and tell me about my class.

looking forward to serving in this way!

*it's a small world. she happens to be married to a guy from my grandparents' hometown. i asked my grandma if she knew him, and of course she does. in fact, she taught him in sunday school for a brief time when he was 16.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I love reading this -- they will love you and you will love them. Primary is my favorite -- I love every chance I get to be in there. (which is why I am not really enjoying being in the Stake Primary presidency -- no kids!!)