Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chastity Sunday

I guess BYU wards have a chastity lesson on each fifth Sunday for Elders' Quorum and Relief Society and they call it "Chastity Sunday." We kinda had a knock-off of that today in my singles ward.

One of the counselors in my bishopric taught the combined EQ and RS about dating, a.k.a. "heeere we go again!"

We all know that the brethren are responsible for dating, but apparently the girls have to flirt if they want to be asked out. Psh. Really? Is our beauty not enough? The teacher categorized these girls as the "flirters" and the "flirt haters." According to him, flirt haters hate the flirters because they are--well--successful and date and get married and stuff.

Flirters must do the following to secure an ask-out:
  • Stand close to the guy.
  • Smell good.
  • Smile.
  • Touch (preferably forearm).
Result? A proposal!! Just kidding. But maybe a date, which will lead to friendship, which will lead to more-than-friendship, which will lead to love, which will lead to that proposal, which will lead to the M word!

Actually, today's lesson was probably the best one I've ever had on dating. He used creative analogies (egg baskets and card-playing).

Now I just gotta find a guy who I even want to stand close enough to in order to attempt a flirt session. That's a challenge and a half.


Elizabeth Downie said...

I've touched hundreds of forearms in my day and I'm over 30 and still single. What am I doing WRONG?!?!?! (Hahaha!)

Ashley said...

Wrong part of the forearm? That's all I can think of. Because everyone knows that if you're touching the wrong part, you will be in Singleland forever. :P

Trey said...

Being a guy, I've found that I have successfully turned many straight guys gay using these methods. So let me just testify that this WORKS, ladies!