Saturday, August 28, 2010

Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Excellent question, Ashley.

A lot of American girls are suckers for foreign guys with accents. Me? Yeah, it's cool that your voice sounds different and all, but I'd rather go for a home-grown boy. BUT! For some odd reason, I've received not one, but TWO Facebook messages from foreign guys asking for my Facebook friendship. How they found me? No clue. But it is 2010 and Facebook, so it's not that weird I guess. But still, two foreign guys sending me messages in the last few days? A bit unusual. So for your viewing pleasure, I'm including their very-broken-English messages.

This one is from Murat from Turkey!

türkey name ..murat bakırcı friend tobe to want you objection if not

And this one from who I am assuming is African. His name is Nana:

hello Ashley how are u doing today i hope u are u doing good and am member of the church of lds and am soo happy to be a member of the church and i want to be ur friend u look soo nice and sweet ok.

What should I do? Ignore their messages? Write them back? Pictures of these gentlemen would help make your decision, wouldn't they? But if they find this blog (which wouldn't be far-fetched), I don't want them to be entirely embarrassed.

Can't I just get a nice American boy?


PensivePearl said...

Well maybe if you went to all American functions like um THE COWBOY themed NEVADA STATE FAIR! You'd hook yourself a cowboy. haha

Elizabeth Downie said...

I have had this happen a few times recently too. I usually reject the friend requests but it makes me feel kind of guilty doing it. :(

Trey said...

You're so racist!